Brownstone Category

February 22, 2024

A Digital Coup d’Etat

There was a time. What seemed to be unfolding was a huge intellectual error for the history books. A new…

February 19, 2024

Schumpeter on How Higher Education Wrecks Freedom

A book that pays high returns for decades with endless insights is Joseph Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1943). It…

February 15, 2024

The Great Reset Didn’t Work: The Case of EVs 

We are living through one of history’s longest and most excruciating versions of “We told you so.” When in March…

February 12, 2024

Intellectuals for Sale

In the first week of March 2020, as news of a virus was everywhere, intellectuals associated with the Yale University…

February 10, 2024

The Forgetting Is Mandatory

Under the cover of disease control, most nations in the world have lived through the equivalent of war – never…

February 1, 2024

Today’s Censorship Is Personal

The United States has the distinction the world over for being a home to the First Amendment, which guarantees free…

January 31, 2024

Maybe More People Objected Than We Knew 

For four years, we’ve carried around a presumption that when lockdowns came, most people went along out of fear of…

January 26, 2024

Room Filtration Didn’t Work Either

Journalist David Zweig spotted an interesting paper released by the British Medical Journal. It concerns the effectiveness of HEPA filters…

January 22, 2024

Will We Ever Get the Truth?

Donald Trump will certainly get the Republican nomination. With that the issue of truth and honesty about what happened on…

January 21, 2024

To Get US Residency Requires the Covid Jab

It’s helpful to think of a Covid experience as a never-ending house of horrors, with room after room of scandal…