Brownstone Category

April 19, 2022

Why So Many Middle-Aged Deaths in 2021?

Martin Kulldorff recently wrote the following: For the mRNA vaccines, the big question that needs an urgent answer is whether…

April 19, 2022

More Evidence from the UK that Masks Don’t Work

It was inevitable that once it became accepted wisdom among corporate media, corporate executives, public health authorities and politicians that…

April 19, 2022

The Unmasking of America

The polls on coercive Covid responses were never entirely trustworthy, not even from the beginnings of lockdowns. This happens when…

April 19, 2022

Lockdown Ideology Is the Plague that Lasts

Far from perceiving each other as adversaries, the Public Health cartel in the West and in China are more accurately…

April 19, 2022

Who Among the Fringe Is Dangerous?

There are irrational beliefs on both extremes of the Covid-19 policy debate. On the zero covid side: many want to…

April 18, 2022

Illegal Mask Mandate: Quotes from the District Court Judgment

The transportation mask mandate, imposed January 21, 2021 as part of 100 days of masking to crush the virus, and…

April 18, 2022

Political Loyalties Have Been Blown Up 

Before lockdowns of Spring 2020, media rhetoric had divided the American population into two camps: pro- and anti-Trump. It was…

April 18, 2022

Here’s Why No One Wants to Talk About Sweden

When, the summer before last, the results of the first Covid wave began to be tallied in the media, there…

April 18, 2022

The Health Risks of Graphene

During the pandemic a widespread use of nanoparticles has been employed for diagnostics, personal protection equipment, prevention, and treatments of…

April 16, 2022

Is Liberalism a Lost Cause?

Some years ago, I was invited to give a university lecture on the importance of free speech. I gave a…

April 16, 2022

Plagues and the Unleashing of Power

People have been reacting poorly to epidemics for as long as there have been epidemics. In the Middle Ages, fear…

April 15, 2022

Who Pushed for Lockdowns? 101 Leading Voices

In Shanghai, China, millions of residents have been locked in their homes for weeks. Those who test positive for Covid are taken…

April 15, 2022

How Dangerous Are Masks for Children?

Our public health agencies such as the CDC and NIH, and television medical experts seem unable to address key health…

April 15, 2022

What Is Motivating the Shanghai Lockdown?

The most frequent question I get about the ongoing lockdown in Shanghai involves the potential motives of the Chinese Communist…

April 15, 2022

How Virus Spending Became the New Virus

The retail sales report for March brought more evidence that Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan of last March, which…

April 15, 2022

Medical Freedom: Why It Matters

I received a phone call a few weeks ago inviting me to speak at Defeat The Mandates at Grand Park…

April 14, 2022

Elon Musk’s Big Move on Twitter

As you undoubtedly have heard, Elon Musk – ever the rebel – has offered to buy the whole of Twitter…

April 14, 2022

What Covid Crimes Will Victims Not Forgive?

History has altered course. Lockdowns saw the belittling of whole populations by a neo-feudal elite, while that elite, with astonishing…

April 14, 2022

After Disaster: The Case of Postwar Berlin

“During those days he stood still for such disastrous fatuities as Franklin Roosevelt’s impetuous call for unconditional surrender, a rhetorical…

April 13, 2022

China’s Covid Numbers are Manifestly Absurd

The Wall Street Journal published a piece titled “Shanghai Has Recorded More Than 130,000 Covid Cases—and No Deaths.” Seeing the…

April 13, 2022

The Nation’s Top Scientists Lied

This adapted excerpt is from Dr. Scott W. Atlas’ bestselling book, A Plague Upon Our House, published by Bombardier.  CDC…

April 13, 2022

Defeat the Mandates LA: A Report 

On Sunday, April 10, Defeat the Mandates came to LA. The hope, after a similar march on Washington, DC that…

April 12, 2022

What Happened on the Junket To China in February 2020?

The last two years have been such a disorienting blizzard of shock and awe that it is truly hard to…

April 12, 2022

We Need Truth and Justice

Two years since “two weeks to slow the spread,” life appears to have returned to some kind of normal. With…

April 12, 2022

Testing Mania: Illogical and Harmful 

This adapted excerpt is from Dr. Scott W. Atlas’ bestselling book, A Plague Upon Our House, published by Bombardier.  By…

April 12, 2022

The Shanghai Catastrophe: Lockdown Ideology at Its Most Extreme

Highlight the hundreds of millions of victims of communism, and its advocates are known to try to rebut the evidence…

April 11, 2022

The China Model Unravels in Shanghai 

At the end of the Cold War, the end-of-history theory was that every country in the world that desired prosperity…

April 11, 2022

Stop Using the Phrase Vaccine Hesitancy

An unsavoury aspect of the Covid-19 response has been the stigmatization of people for various “normal” things: meeting friends, hugging…

April 11, 2022

The Worship of Zero 

The optimal amount of any “bad” (e.g., crime, cancer) is very, very seldom zero. This is because the marginal cost…

April 11, 2022

The Ins and Outs of Covid Vaccine Safety

At the time of FDA approval for any vaccine, it is impossible to know whether it causes rare, unexpected serious…