Brownstone Category

January 19, 2022

The Joker: A Premonition

It was two years and a few months ago – only a few months before lockdowns – that I dragged…

January 15, 2022

What Might Have Been: Calm, Protection, and Care

We’ll be putting together the timeline of this disaster for many years to come. It all comes down to those…

January 13, 2022

The Lab Leak: The Plots and Schemes of Jeremy Farrar, Anthony Fauci, and Francis Collins

Jeremy Farrar is a former professor at Oxford University and the head of the Wellcome Trust, an extremely influential non-government…

January 11, 2022

Songbird: The Dystopian Film that Became Real

Watching Songbird (2020) was a delight.  Wait, wrong word.  It was chilling, remarkable, stunning, revealing, and terrifying in strange ways.…

January 9, 2022

Why Is the Human Being Not Like a Machine?

In defense of regulatory mandates during oral arguments, the following words were spoken by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor: “Why…

January 7, 2022

Get the Courts Out of Science

This morning I listened to the oral arguments in the case of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates as enforced by…

January 3, 2022

They Said They Would Slow the Spread

It’s been the most astonishing two weeks for American public life, with so many prescient changes, from new censorships, admissions,…

December 30, 2021

The Psychological Cruelty of Denying Natural immunity

Every sick child, and probably every adult at some point, asks that existential question: why am I suffering?  No answer…

December 27, 2021

The Zoom Class Gets Covid

For nearly two years, we’ve wondered how this will end. In retrospect, the clue is in how it began.  The…

December 25, 2021

Slouching Toward Endemicity

Is that the sound of normalcy I’m hearing out there? Ever more authors and sources admitting that the virus is…