Posted in AIER
June 21, 2020

Smart Society, Stupid People

We’ve lived through the most bizarre experience of human folly in my lifetime, and perhaps in generations. Among the most…

Posted in AIER
June 15, 2020

The Return of Brutalism

The lockdowners probably had no idea what they were about to unleash. On paper, their plans all seemed fine. Keep…

Posted in AIER
June 8, 2020

Why Did they Close the Schools?

On March 12, 2020, a banshee-like cry went out to an email list of public health professionals and government officials…

Posted in AIER
June 7, 2020

America Rediscovers Empathy

From early in the lockdown days, it became clear that this crisis would not make us “come together” and be…

Posted in AIER
June 3, 2020

Looters, Lockdowners, and the Law

“Coronavirus hasn’t been a thing since Friday,” said a friend. “The new story is racism.” Following American media culture can…

Posted in AIER
May 21, 2020

Pandemics and the Liberal Path

The record shows that the global economy collapsed not because of the COVID-19 pandemic but because governments around the world,…

Posted in AIER
May 19, 2020

Did the Lockdown Save Lives?

For two to three months, Americans have suffered the loss of liberty, security, and prosperity in the name of virus…

Posted in AIER
April 19, 2020

That Time Jesus Was Quarantined

Most of us didn’t realize, until very recently, what a remarkable stain is put upon a person (or whole people)…

Posted in AIER
April 16, 2020

Well, That Unraveled Fast

Thinking back to February 28, 2020, and the New England Journal of Medicine. It published an article called “Covid-19 —…