AIER Category

September 27, 2020

Emancipation From Lockdown in Florida

Governor Ron DeSantis has proven it: it is actually possible for a politician to wise up and do the right…

September 23, 2020

Top Twenty Lessons I’ve Learned in 2020

This year has been a shock. Here is an early sketch of what I think I’ve learned.  Governments are fully…

Liberty or Lockdown
September 22, 2020

Liberty or Lockdown

I’m very pleased to announce that my book Liberty or Lockdown is now available at Amazon. It includes a foreword…

September 20, 2020

Should Scott Atlas Sue His Detractors?

Former Stanford professor and now White House advisor Scott Atlas has positioned himself against lockdowns and for widespread reopening of…

September 18, 2020

In this Red Dawn, Who Invaded Whom?

The gigantic mess of 2020 called lockdown began with an email thread called Red Dawn, based on the old movie…

September 13, 2020

In a War on Restaurants, Media Tout the Lockdown Narrative

Just when the fear starts to subside, and growing public skepticism seems to push governors into opening, something predictable happens.…

September 9, 2020

The Clearest and Best Video Explanation of the Virus, the Lockdowns, and the Impact

Those of us who have been reading and writing on lockdowns and the Covid-19 virus have been frustrated in competition…

September 7, 2020

The Melbourne Syndrome

The Covid pandemic has brought on our modern version of The Stockholm Syndrome which you will recall is: “Feelings of…

August 27, 2020

Small Signs of Hope that Lockdowns Could Soon End

For so many months, it’s been nonstop bad news on business closures, arts trashed, museum shuttering, unemployment, missed surgeries and…

August 26, 2020

Lockdowns are Cruel and Regressive, says Oxford University’s Professor Sunetra Gupta

Oxford University Professor Sunetra Gupta has been an outspoken voice for calm, science, and rationality in dealing with this virus.…