AIER Category
The Entrenchment of Lockdown Denialism
Daniela Lamas, a critical care doctor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, has written a terrifying article in the Washington Post.…
The Collapse of Trust in Public Health
Maybe you have noticed the rise in public incredulity toward the coronavirus narrative that you hear all day from…
China’s Role in Global Lockdowns: The Smoking Gun
This time last year, Americans were blindsided by a shocking policy to shut down the US economy to control a…
The Emancipation of Texas
My family moved to Texas from Massachusetts in 1830, six years before Texas became an independent nation. I should say…
Lockdowns Could Reshape American Politics for a Generation, or Several
Lockdowns or not? That’s been the primary question for social, economic, and political organizations for the past year. It’s a…
How Does All of This End?
There is a sense in the air that the pandemic is winding down, and the toxic culture of division, fear,…
Covid Cases, like Political Careers, are Dropping Like Rocks
New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who bears so much responsibility for the state of his windswept state, last year wrote…
Lockdowns and the Texas Power Disaster
Texas is right now consumed in debate over the question of how the catastrophic power and water outages could have…
Minimum Wages Had a Eugenic Intent
All this talk of a $15 national minimum wage prompted me to revisit the standard textbook on economics of the…
A Currency that Rises in Value Will Change Everything
In the early years of the Bitcoin boom, I attended a raucous and truly hilarious conference of newly rich digital…
Who Wanted Pandemic Lockdowns?
People of the future will look back at these 11 months and be very confused. How could virtually the entire…
Don’t Cry for Donald McNeil
The firing of the New York Times’s star virus reporter Donald G. McNeil, Jr., made international news, given his status…
Lockdowns Have Depleted Capital in All Forms
When lockdowns first happened, my initial thought was geeky, and only later did I begin to realize the implications for…
People Only Pretend to Practice Social Distancing
Let’s speak frankly about a strange protocol foisted on us nearly a year ago – not just us but also…
The Times Wants You Consumed by Fear, Isolation, and Misery
There are probably multiple reasons why coronavirus cases in the US are down nearly 50% in the US in the…
All Hail the Reopening!
What a glorious thing the reopening is! After nearly a year of darkening times, the light has begun to dawn,…
Americans Are Fleeing Lockdowns, When They Can Afford It
For nearly a year, governments have been instructing people to stay put. Don’t leave your home unless you have…
The Economic Policy Failures of the Trump Administration
There is some bitter irony embedded in the original campaign 2016 presidential pitch to “Make America Great Again.” One looks…
A Pandemic Reading List for Left, Right, and Libertarians
Daily the news is pouring in: SARS-CoV-2 behaves like a textbook respiratory virus in its vectors of transmission and its…
In the Asian Flu of 1957-58, They Rejected Lockdowns
The Asian flu of 1957-58 was a deadly pandemic with a broader reach for severe outcomes than Covid-19 of 2020.…
Many Pathways to Policy Failure
“Economics must not be relegated to classrooms and statistical offices and must not be left to esoteric circles,” wrote Ludwig…
Catastrophe Is All Around Us
As a naturally optimistic person, it vexes me that the word catastrophe has echoed in my mind since early March…
The Best and Most-Read AIER Articles of 2020
This year, the American Institute for Economic Research published 1,380 articles with 10.5 million readers from all countries in the…
Five Times this Year the New York Times Accidentally Told the Truth
The paper of record in 2020 shifted dramatically to the most illiberal stance possible on the virus, pushing for full…
Your Trauma and Mine: A Retrospective on 2020
Lockdown hell shocked me like nothing else in my lifetime. The very notion that governments would push the off button…
Hope and Freedom in Georgia
If you live in a lockdown state, you might not remember what normal life feels like. I’m pretty sure I…
WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website
Maybe you have some sense that something fishy is going on? Same. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Coronavirus…
The Decimal Point that Blew Up the World
What was the basis of panic that led the lights to darken on civilization? The most important date here might…
The “Expert Consensus” Also Favored Alcohol Prohibition
Most people today regard America’s experiment with alcohol prohibition as a national embarrassment, rightly repealed in 1933. So it will…
“We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts” ~ Melinda Gates
In a wide-ranging interview in the New York Times, Melinda Gates made the following remarkable statement: “What did surprise us…